Parks and Recreation Commissioners
Mike Gardiner
Jim Lewis
Rick Landt
Wanted Candidates
Ashland Parks and Recreation Commissioners - Become a candidate!
What we are looking for in a Candidate
Candidate Qualifications:
1. Knowledge of budgets
• Capital Improvement Project (CIP) funding process
• General understanding of a city budget
• Understanding of PERS
1. Commitment to connect with the community through one-on-one meetings, public forums, and six month progress reports to the public.
• Involve citizens in determining the goals and priorities of the Department
• Inform neighborhoods of projects effecting their area; seek input and concerns from them before decision making
1. Knowledge of the many responsibilities of the parks department
2. Be aware of the performance audit of the department and the recommendations contained within it.
3. Critical thinker willing to challenge the status quo and presuppositions of the department and to think out of the box in problem solving.
4. Ability to articulate the value of maintaining our parks system because it is the center of our quality of life in Ashland.
5. Maintain the social services offered through the recreation division. Continually, seeking public input and critique of programs, those who use them and those who don’t.
6. Focus on finding a solution to the Senior Center programs that keeps the quality of its staffing and safety net for seniors before the dismantling and weakening of its core services.
Candidate Personal Qualifications:
Must live within the Ashland city limits and vote in Ashland.
Must be 18 years of age
Interested? Please send us a message and contact information with AshlandRecall’s “Contact Us’ form. We will connect with you.